What is another word for collapse
What is another word for collapse

what is another word for collapse
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Perhaps the best illustration of the wave function is to show it passing though the famous slits in a two-slit experiment. An extreme example is Hugh Everett’s Many Worlds theory, which says that the universe splits into two nearly identical universes whenever a measurement is made.

what is another word for collapse

The claim that an observer is needed to collapse the wave function has injected a severely anthropomorphic element into quantum theory, suggesting that nothing happens in the universe except when physicists are making measurements. The “collapse of the wave function” is also known as the “reduction of the wave packet.” This describes the change from a system that can be seen as having many possible quantum states (Dirac’s principle of superposition) to its randomly being found in only one of those possible states.Īlthough the collapse is historically thought to be caused by a measurement, and thus dependent on the role of the observer in preparing the experiment, collapses can occur whenever quantum systems interact (e.g., collisions between particles) or even spontaneously (radioactive decay). So it is very important to understand the importance of what Dirac called the projection postulate in quantum mechanics. Some of these deny quantum jumps and even the existence of particles! Of the several “interpretations” of quantum mechanics, more than half deny the collapse of the wave function. The idea of the wave function in quantum mechanics and its indeterministic collapse during a measurement is without doubt the most controversial problem in physics today. Albert Einstein, the foremost scientist of all time (and ironically the discoverer of chance in quantum mechanics, which he disliked but never denied was a part of the quantum theory, as far as it could go in his time) adamantly disliked the idea of "uncertainty" or "indeterminism," the thought that some things in the universe were not caused (or only statistically caused). We can give the simplest answer in a single word - chance. Why are so many serious physicists and philosophers of science so unhappy with this concept, which was a fundamental part of the "orthodox" theory proposed in the late 1920's by the "founders" of quantum mechanics - Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr, Max Born, Paul Dirac, Wolfgang Pauli, and Pascual Jordan. Why is it that more than half of the modern " interpretations of quantum mechanics deny the "collapse of the wave function."

#What is another word for collapse free

Although an economic collapse should be more likely in an economy that is already contracting, black swan events or trends in the global economy can override any point in the cycle to set off an economic collapse.Henry Quastler Adolphe Quételet Lord Rayleigh Jürgen Renn Juan Roederer Jerome Rothstein David Ruelle Tilman Sauerīiosemiotics Free Will Mental Causation James Symposium

#What is another word for collapse full

A full economic cycle includes movement from trough to expansion, followed by a peak, and then a contraction leading back towards the trough. Economic theory outlines several phases that an economy can go through. It can occur at any point in the cycle, leading to contraction and recessionary phases.

  • The Great Depression of the 1930s is considered one of the worst economic collapses in history due to its global impact, while the extent of the fallout from the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic remains to be seen.Īn economic collapse is an extraordinary event that is not necessarily a part of the standard economic cycle.
  • An economic collapse is most clearly identified by a widespread breakdown in normal market mechanisms and commerce.
  • Economic collapse is not part of the regular economic cycle of expansion and contraction.

  • What is another word for collapse